French Week Helps School Celebrate French Culture and Cuisine

Teacher Gina Reichert serves French Cuisine

Odiel Ajaba, Class of 2022

West Haven High devoted a week in November to teaching students about French culture to mark the American Association Teachers of French’s “National French Week.” 


Throughout French week, students were shown daily French facts through the school’s own morning news show. The school news team would share trivia facts about France put to the theme of traditional French music. French Week culminated with students enjoying a variety of French lunches and desserts in the school cafeteria.


The event was organized by French teacher Madame Gina Reichert, and Meg Kingston, the cafeteria director,  prepared and served the French lunches. Madame Reichert and Administrator Trish Robles served hot chocolate. Custodian Joseph Bonaldo was a huge help in replenishing supplies, as was French student Diana Jurado-Aleman, who jumped in to serve without being asked.


Students were served French lunches such as Coq au Vin, Pommes purées, Ratatouille, and Salade Niçoise. For desserts students had Profiteroles and a cup of Chocolat Chaud. To go along with the French-themed-lunches, Madame Reichert played French bistro music to add to the atmosphere.


Stephanie Quinones, a senior who tried the food said she enjoyed the event.


“I thought that the food was very thoughtful and really adorable, the hot chocolate was very high quality and the profiteroles were really delicious,” she said.


Mrs. Robles said she was impressed by the French cuisine, which fed about 1,500 students.


“Every student was served who wanted it, in every single café period,” she said. ”I hope that they enjoyed the experience and have a better appreciation for all things French!”