School Celebrates Homecoming

The homecoming court was announced at the pep rally. Pictured above from left to right are freshman Lady Lisa Hennessey and freshman Lord Dylan Ginsberg; senior Queen Dulcemaria Castillo and senior King Daniel Patricelli; junior Prince Myles Cortes and junior Princess Nayeli Avila-Suchite; and sophomore Duke Nick Conlan and sophomore Duchess Zoe Regan (photo credit: Todd Dandelske).

Emma Ryan, Reporter

The school celebrated homecoming in September with a spirit week, pep rally, football game, and semi-formal dance.

During Spirit Week, students and staff dressed up for a different theme each day of the week. The themes included a Pink Out and a Twin Day, as well as other fun themes that got students and their fashion skills involved.

On the last day of spirit week, the school held a pep rally during the final block of school. The event featured many different activities such as tug-of-war matches between the school’s sports teams, a relay race between teams of students and teachers, and the announcement of the homecoming court. 

That night was the homecoming football game against the Guilford Grizzlies. West Haven won the game 47-20. 

Homecoming weekend was capped off with a semi-formal on that Sunday night. The dance was held from 6 pm to 10 pm at West River Hall.