Tue. 3/7 Announcements
Good Morning, Westies! After a hectic half day, our crew wasn’t able to record our show for today. Homeroom teachers, scroll down for today’s announcements. We have some videos you can play about different classes our school offers:
Automotive: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2717103006
Business: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2729848089
Computer Science: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2726877796
Culinary Arts: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2590371940
Graphic Design: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2711302788
Engineering: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2731639205
Nursing: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2720967501
Seal of Biliteracy: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2839023773
English Electives Video: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2591479141
Digital Media and Journalism: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2591210511
Sports & Culture (updated Feb. 2023): https://www.wevideo.com/view/2953801275
Criminal Justice Cohort: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2595802108
Math Electives Video: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2955516893
And here are today’s announcements:
West Haven Public Schools hosted its inaugural ‘Districtwide Faculty Spelling Bee’ on Thursday in the WHHS Auditorium. Congratulations to Lucille Portley, a speech therapist at Pagels, who spelled ‘Formaldehyde’ correctly to win the contest! She outlasted Matt Cohen, a math teacher at WHHS.
Do you like to dance? Join the Dance Team at one of their informational meetings to learn about upcoming clinics and tryouts. The first meeting is on Tuesday, March 7th at 2pm in the All Purpose Room. The second meeting is on Tuesday, March 14th at 6pm in the cafeteria.
Anyone interested in joining the golf team should stop by the athletic office.
There will be a meeting for Spring Sports athletes and parents on March 27th at 6:30 in the cafeteria.
Spring sports tryouts are coming up. All athletes must have an updated physical and all athletic forms must be submitted on Power School before trying out. Contact the coach of your sport if you have any questions about tryouts.
Attention everyone interested in track: The captains will be holding conditioning practice for the next two weeks on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It will be after school until about 4:15.
The next meeting of the Creative Writing Club will be on Wednesday March 8 in room D114 after school.
The Debate Team meets after school every Thursday in Room C-207. No debating experience is necessary. Come and join the Debate Team!
The gaming club is meeting today in F115. Feel free to stop by!
The gardening club meets every Wednesday after school in room B212. For more information see Mr. Klink or Mr. Martinez.
There will be an SAT Study Hall every Thursday for one hour after school in D214. Feel free to stop by. SAT Day is on March 22nd.
The Senior Class Council meets every Thursday in room F214. Come on by if you’d like to help plan for prom and our senior class fundraisers.
The Student Government/Interact Club meets on Wednesdays after school in Room C-206…All students are encouraged to join.
West Whims- the schools arts and literary magazine- is looking for written submissions. If you like to write song lyrics, poetry, or short stories, send your written submission to Mr. DeBiase or Mrs. Lucibelli. This year’s magazine will be published in May. All submissions must be turned in by March 31st.
The price for a cap and gown is now $50. The last day to buy a cap and gown is March 17th. If you don’t have a cap and gown, you can’t be in the graduation ceremony! So see Mrs. C in the main office to get your cap and gown!
Gateway Community College will be in the Career Center on March 7 at 8:50 am for application day. If you need to apply or just have any questions about Gateway, please come to the Career Center on March 7.
SAVE THE DATE!!!! The SADD club is hosting two upcoming events. The first event is PI day! It’s on March 14th and will be in the lobby all day. It will focus on the dangers of risky decisions as well as math. Proceeds will go towards senior scholarships.
The second event is on April 19th in the auditorium. Chris Sandy and the “Choices Matter” program will be coming here to remind our community about the dangers of driving under the influence or distracted. This is for all juniors and seniors. This is also the same day as the Traditional Grim Reaper Activity. More information to come on that.
Attention seniors: Senior Award applications are now available on PowerSchool. Senior Awards are monetary awards that are given out at a ceremony in May. Seniors must submit an application in order to be considered. The deadline to apply is March 30th.
There will be a trade school job fair on March 15th in the lobby from 10:30 am to noon. If you have any questions or need a pass, stop by the Career Center and see Ms. McDonnell. Check out all the organizations that will be there:
Amazon – Jobs
Branford Academy of Hair and Cosmetology
Central Institute for Veterinary Learning
Fresh Start Technical
Gateway Community College
General Dynamics Electric Boat – Training & Jobs
Industrial Management & Training Institute
Johnson & Wales
Lincoln Tech
Lincoln Tech Culinary
Paul Mitchell
Porter & Chester
University of Bridgeport
Universal Tech
US Air Force
US Army
US Marine’s
US Navy
Western Connecticut State University
West Haven Park Rec summer – Jobs
Yale New Haven Health System – Jobs
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Representatives from West Haven Park Rec will be here on Wednesday March 15 in the school lobby from 10:30 until noon handing out job applications for summer camps. They are looking for reliable students to work as counselors and Jr CIT’s. They are also looking for lifeguards, constables, and some maintenance workers.
Get tickets to the Theatre Workshop’s performances of “Grease” by following the QR code below. The performances will be on March 30th, March 31st and April 1st in our auditorium.
The Theatre Workshop would also like to announce that they’re holding a Chipotle fundraiser tonight from 4-8 pm at 354 Saw Mill Rd, West Haven, CT. There will be a raffle for a $20 Amazon gift card! Order online for pickup using the code T48L62D.
Attention Juniors! The deadline to sign up for the Hartford College Fair has been extended until March 14th. The fair is on Friday March 31st. Nowhere else will you be able to have contact with over 200 colleges all at the same time. Permission slips are available in the Career Center. The cost is $5.
Today’s Fliers:
Your donation will support the student journalists of West Haven High School. Your contribution will allow us to purchase equipment and help us take educational field trips.
Esmeralda Sisson • Mar 7, 2023 at 8:58 am
Also, West Haven High School Theatre Workshop is holding a Chipotle fundraiser tonight from 4-8 pm at 354 Saw Mill Rd, West Haven, CT. There will be a raffle for a $20 Amazon gift card! Order online for pickup using code T48L62D.
Nevaeh Lugo • Mar 7, 2023 at 10:13 am
Hi, Esmeralda! So, we already recorded the news show, but I’ll be sure to put this alongside the episode.
Nevaeh Lugo • Mar 7, 2023 at 10:26 am
Hi, Esmeralda! So, unfortunately, it’s occured to me that we can’t put this in tomorrow’s news show since it’s happening tonight. At the most, I can sneak it into today’s, but I encourage all members of the Theatre Workshop to come to us with any announcements earlier. Please email your announcements to either Mrs. Cummings at jennifer.cummings@whschools.org or you can email me directly at 23lugon@apps.whschools.org