Global Studies Teacher Gets Christmas Gift in Prank War

Mr. Dandelske left work on Dec. 20 to find his car completely wrapped. It didn’t take him long to figure out the culprits.

Hannah Miles, News Editor



Global studies teacher Todd Dandelske is planning for his revenge after finding his car covered in wrapping paper just before the holiday break.

Partners in crime Rikki Brown and Joanie Amato, both math teachers, admitted to the wrapping of Mr. Dandelske’s car.

“My first reaction was ‘Oh my God, what did they do to my car?’ I felt like I was in a BMW commercial,” Mr. Dandelske said.

The original plan was to wrap everything in his classroom in wrapping paper,  Ms. Brown said, but someone already played this prank on Assistant Principal Trish Robles.

Ms. Amato seems very proud of her work.

Mr. Dandelske wasn’t angry, saying it made him smile at the end of a long week and people helped him unwrap the car.

That said, he’s planning his revenge.

“Big time, as I said yesterday, ‘It’s on,'” he vowed.  “Ms. Amato will feel the wrath!” Ms. Brown had better watch out too, he added.