Letters With Love is a club centered around kindness and community.
The club meets in D107 to write letters to people in our community in need of a boost of spirit.
So far the club has sent letters to residents of a nursing home, patients in local hospitals and families mourning the loss of a loved one. The letters are collected and sent by the club adviser, Mrs. Plumey, to their destinations.
Not only can writing these letters brighten up someone’s day, but club members get some benefits as well.
Members practice utilizing and sharpening their writing skills in a more real-world efficient manner. Not only this, but members are also given community service hours, which look good on college applications, resumes, and may get them a cord for graduation.
With such good benefits going both ways, who wouldn’t want to join? The club is always welcome to new members. Stop by D107 or watch this video to learn more about the club!